4. Channel 4 vs. Channel 2 vs. Channel 9 vs. Spanish Language vs. Public News in ... Anchorman
The Setup: Suited up and looking fine, the boys from Channel 4 News find themselves in a precarious situation in a back alley, surrounded by rival studios. Not even sex panther could have saved them…
The Weird: Our only true orgy of violence on the list, horses gallop, men catch fire and limbs are severed in the bloodiest backstreet anchorman battle since the Walter Cronkite Rebellion or the epic Battle of Couric. All I can say is you would never have seen Dan Rather wielding a trident.
WTFness Factor: 9
3. Marionette vs. Marionette in ... Team America: World Police
The Setup: It’s hard to set up the context of this particular fight, as well, the entire movie is an over-the-top-and-back-again battle of ridiculous hilarity. With puppets.
The Weird: As funny as everything is when a marionette is partaking, the best examples are the fist fights. When you were young did you ever smash a Barbie and a GI-Joe together and make explosion sounds? Well theses scuffles are akin to that at best. And I personally wouldn’t change a thing.
WTFness Factor: 9
2. Borat vs. Azmat in ... Borat
The Setup: Ever had the urge to fight dirty? Well, I guarantee whatever you were inclined to do you never had this in mind. After Borat catches his manager making a ‘romance explosion’ to a Pamela Anderson magazine photo, the sword fight (So to speak) begins.
The Weird: Well unless you grew up in a household where appropriate punishment included being suffocated by an obese mans crotch, you may find this sequence tough to stomach.
WTFness Factor: 10
1. Ash vs. His Hand in ... The Evil Dead II
The Setup: Fending off demons in the secluded cabin as only Ash could, he finds not only his friends possessed, but his own appendage. If only Fletcher Reede could have been so lucky.
The Weird: Hilarious, ridiculous and the very essence of the name, Sam Rami. Despite how many exposed organs dangled, swords were swung, celebrities were assaulted and body parts were severed, nothing compares to a man in a battle to the death with his own digits. And anything that is a precursor to someone getting a chainsaw for a prosthetic has earned its place as the most bizarre fight in movie history.
WTFness Factor: 10